#place to put dget scripts
#get dget suite and install it, editing settings.sh if necessary
svn co http://drupal-get.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/drupal-get/trunk $DGETDIR cp $DGETDIR/rename_to_settings.sh $DGETDIR/settings.sh $DGETDIR/setup.sh $DGETDIR
#check out drupal core, contrib
dsvn checkout
#use dsite checkout if no need to commit from this site
#and optionally, the Acquia distribution (ignore any warning at the end)
dsvn checkout x x a6paths
#create website:
dget create /var/www/html/testd testd
or for Acquia Drupal:
dget create /var/www/html/testd testd a6paths
When prompted, visit the site at servername.com/testd and use the database testd and the Drupal username and password created above.
#update Drupal with:
dsite update