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<% Option Explicit %>

Test of Input
Function CleanSQL(badStr) 'Clean up string by stripping out all but alphanumerics
Dim goodStr
Dim i
Dim ch
Dim goodChars

goodChars = "-_. @"
for i = 1 to Len(badStr)
ch = Mid(badStr, i, 1)
if ( (ch>="A") and (ch<="Z") ) or ((ch>="a") and (ch<="z") ) or ((ch>="0") and (ch<="9")) or (InStr(goodChars,ch)>0) then
goodStr = goodStr & ch
end if
CleanSQL = goodStr
End Function

Dim Input
Dim Message

Input = Request.Form("Command")
Message = CleanSQL(Input)


You typed: <% = Input %>
After processing: <% = Message %>


Files in Periscope that are changed

  • cleansql.asp
  • checklog.asp
  • content.asp (used on numbered pages by index.asp)
  • send_password_email.asp
  • send_login_email.asp (remove the trios reply-from)
  • CFAW\checklog.asp
  • CFAW\send_password_email.asp (not actually used)
  • CFAW\login.asp (link to "../send_password_email.asp"
  • System\checklog.asp
  • admin\index.asp (add passwd protection)
  • Go to and download cdonts.dll, then install with regsvr32 cdonts.dll
  • administer IIS and on default website/documents, add index.html (so that "take a tour" will work)

Javascript to check every checkbox in first form (0)
function CheckAll(chk)
//for check all the checkboxes in a page
//Assumes first form in browser
for (var j=0;j < document.forms[0].elements.length;j++)
var e = document.forms[0].elements[j];
if (e.type == 'checkbox' && e.disabled==false)
e.checked = chk.checked

Plain text icon checklog.asp.txt697 bytes
Plain text icon cleansql.asp.txt437 bytes