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Drupal 6 to 7 upgrades

The Select builder adds a LOT of overhead. You should not use it unless you need one of the things it offers: Dynamic query structure, hook_query_alter, certain db-unportable features that don’t have a simpler version (random ordering, for instance), etc.
For the run of the mill SQL query, db_query() is several times faster than db_select(). If you need a limit query, db_query_range() is still there.

Here are some useful links for upgrading from Drupal 6 to 7

Basic update from D6 to D7 to get a single value

$sql = "SELECT field_facilityid_value
        FROM content_type_facility AS c
        JOIN node AS n ON n.vid = c.vid
        WHERE n.nid = %d";
$facilityid = db_result(db_query($sql, $nodenum));
  • New in D7
$sql = "SELECT field_facilityid_value
        FROM content_type_facility AS c
        JOIN node AS n ON n.vid = c.vid
        WHERE n.nid = :nid"; // string placeholders should not be in quotes
$condition = array(':nid' => $nodenum);
$facilityid = db_query($sql, $condition)->fetchField();

Now get multiple values

$sql = "SELECT field_providerid_value FROM content_type_provider
        WHERE field_providerid_value LIKE '%s'
        ORDER BY field_category_value, field_providerid_value";
$results = db_query($sql,$providerid);
while ( $datar = db_fetch_array($results) ) {
  $providers[] = $datar['field_providerid_value'];
  • New in D7 using a returned object
$sql = "SELECT field_providerid_value
        FROM content_type_provider
        WHERE field_providerid_value LIKE :pid
        ORDER BY field_category_value, field_providerid_value";
$condition = array(':pid' => $providerid);
$results = db_query($sql, $condition);
foreach ($results as $record) {
  $providers[] = $record->field_providerid_value;

CCK Selects

  • The old model for fetching all the fields of a single node directly:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM content_type_facility AS c
        JOIN node AS n ON n.vid = c.vid
        WHERE field_facilityid_value = '%s'";
$results = db_query($sql,$facilityid);
$datar = db_fetch_array($results);
$f['onlinestatus'] = $datar['field_onlinestatus_value'];
$f['letter']       = $datar['field_letter_value'];
$f['city']         = $datar['field_city_value'];
$f['address']      = $datar['field_address_value'];
  • New in D7 using field_get_items() after loading the node:
$node = node_load($nid);
$fld = 'onlinestatus';  $i = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_'.$fld); $f[$fld] = $i[0]['value'];
$fld = 'letter';        $i = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_'.$fld); $f[$fld] = $i[0]['value'];
$fld = 'city';          $i = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_'.$fld); $f[$fld] = $i[0]['value'];
$fld = 'address';       $i = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_'.$fld); $f[$fld] = $i[0]['value'];