- download no-core version
- replace all modules in repo with symbolic links
- create standard Drupal 7 site
- link openatrium directory into profiles/openatrium
- install site using openatrium install profile
dget install openatrium 7.x-2.19-no-core d7paths
grep memory_limit /etc/php.ini #should be >= 256M
grep max_allowed_packet /etc/my.cnf #should be >= 32M (add under [mysqld]}
- Go through OA contrib modules and any we have already replace with the one in the repo
function repoa {
rm -Rf $oa/modules/contrib/$1
ln -sfn $mod/$1 $oa/modules/contrib/
echo replaced $oa/modules/contrib/$1
repoa admin
repoa admin_menu
repoa ctools
repoa date
repoa devel
repoa diff
repoa entity
repoa entityreference
repoa features
repoa feeds
repoa field_group
#repoa flag #older version in repo
repoa google_analytics
repoa job_scheduler
repoa jquery_update
repoa libraries
repoa link
#repoa media #older version in repo
repoa media_vimeo
repoa media_youtube
repoa menu_block
repoa node_clone
repoa pathauto
repoa strongarm
repoa token
repoa uuid
repoa views
repoa views_bulk_operations
repoa wysiwyg
ls -al $oa/modules/contrib #check
- Finally create the site and link in the OA profile
dsite create $s -u -C "OpenAtrium Demo"
dsite remove $s common #so as not to duplicate
rm -f $s/profiles
mkdir -p $s/profiles
ln -sfn $oa $s/profiles
ln -sfn $dr7/profiles/minimal $s/profiles
ln -sfn $dr7/profiles/standard $s/profiles
ln -sfn $dr7/profiles/testing $s/profiles
- Now go ahead and visit the site to install it
dsite secure $s