If the system has been corrupted, and there is no grub menu, then boot from a live CD, open a terminal and do this:
sudo fdisk -l # find the root filesystem sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt #whatever your root filesystem is D1=dev D2=dev/pts D3=proc D4=sys sudo mount --bind /$D1 /mnt/$D1 && sudo mount --bind /$D2 /mnt/$D2 && sudo mount --bind /$D3 /mnt/$D3 && sudo mount --bind /$D4 /mnt/$D4 sudo chroot /mnt # You are now back in the main hard drive cd /etc/default cp grub grub.orig vi grub # change timeout from 0 to 10 # change STYLE from hidden to menu # remove # from Terminal=console update-grub
Reboot and now you will have a grub menu
It is possible to do an apt get update from within chroot