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Drupal tips

Installing Open Atrium


  • download no-core version
  • replace all modules in repo with symbolic links
  • create standard Drupal 7 site
  • link openatrium directory into profiles/openatrium
  • install site using openatrium install profile
dget install openatrium 7.x-2.19-no-core d7paths
grep memory_limit /etc/php.ini       #should be >= 256M
grep max_allowed_packet /etc/my.cnf  #should be >= 32M (add under [mysqld]}
  • Go through OA contrib modules and any we have already replace with the one in the repo

Drupal and Facebook

This page is an example of my process for selecting a Drupal module

First I need to define what I am trying to do:


Installing RedHen CRM

1. Install modules on server

dget install redhen 7.x-1.7 d7paths
dget install message 7.x-1.9 d7paths
dget install relation 7.x-1.0-rc5 d7paths
dget install registration 7.x-1.3 d7paths
dget install redhen_membership 7.x-1.x-dev d7paths
dget install entityreference 7.x-1.1 d7paths
dget install addressfield 7.x-1.0-beta5 d7paths

  • assume entity, ctools already installed

2. Install modules on site

dsite add $s redhen
dsite add $s message
dsite add $s relation
dsite add $s registration
dsite add $s redhen_membership

Drupal performance notes

Here are some useful links:

In case the problem is the underlying system performance:


RedHen vs CRM Core comparison for Drupal CRM

Here are some resources for comparing the two systems:


Add Zurb Foundation theme to Drupal 7 site

1. Install necessary modules and themes:

dsite add $site zurb-foundation -m theme
dsite add $site views_foundation
dsite add $site jquery_update


Optional modules


Installing Compass on Drupal server

Installing the theme is the easy bit. What is much harder is setting up automatic SCSS recompilation.

  • The README.txt file suggests using a full-blown installation of node.js just to manage this.
  • A much more lightweight solution is to use compass

updating webform from 2.x to 3.x

There are two changes that need to be made. The first of them simple:


Drupal Video Players


  • (3899) provides a wrapper around the jPlayer JavaScript library. This library provides an HTML5-based player, that uses a Flash fallback for browsers that do not yet support it.

Theming CCK fields in Drupal 7

Drupal node display can be overridden using a template file of the form:

  • node--content_name.tpl.php

The simplest way of displaying fields is to use the render() function

The render array is documented here:



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